Embracing change. Evolving direction. Emboldened new look.

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Like many other companies around the world, Vector Laboratories has looked inward during the last 2 years and spent time reflecting on its future and place in the scientific community. Our story accelerated last September when I transitioned from COO to CEO of the company. In stepping into this new leadership role, I guided Vector Laboratories from its position working under a parent company to a stand-alone company. One of the key responsibilities I faced as CEO was to develop Vector Laboratories’ long-term plan to meet our business goals while supporting our customers. As a newly independent player in the bioscience sector, it was critical that I worked with our leadership team to both imagine and define where our company would fit moving forward. Our ultimate goal remains to support the scientific community in their need for high quality and reliable proteomic and glycomic products.  

As I wrote in my year-end blog last December, despite all the changes—and there have been many—much about our company has stayed the same. The fundamental strengths of Vector Laboratories that have driven us to be successful—our customers, our commitment to quality products, our dedication to supporting scientists to ultimately improve human health—have not and will not change. 

Change brings opportunity, and at Vector Laboratories we embraced this strategic direction as a way to reconnect with the scientific community. Today, we are excited to introduce our new look to you. We want to celebrate and establish Vector Laboratories as a new stand-alone company. A new brand look serves to call out this transition and invites the scientific community we so proudly serve to take notice.

We began our rebranding process by taking a careful look at our established Vector Laboratories logo and asking ourselves the question: how do we wish to connect with our customers? We recognized this as an opportunity to evolve the logo to reflect not only our personality, but also our plans for growth and future direction. Who knew that so much meaning could be suggested through the shape, size, and colors of the letters in our company name?

Next, we thought about our company mission, which was also recently updated. If you haven’t had a chance to review our mission statement, I’ll state it again here:

The mission of Vector Laboratories is to enable scientific progress, standing shoulder to shoulder with the scientific community with our trusted products and unmatched technical expertise, delivered with a can-do attitude and a culture of service.


Foundational to our new brand is our new company mission and our core values— the values that we instill in our work and act on every day. Our five core values are the basis for our decision-making, leadership, and culture. Most importantly, they reflect the weight we put on our relationships. People are fundamental to a thriving organization, and we are focused on cultivating strong and meaningful connections in the work we do every day.

Today I’m excited to reveal more about the look and feel of our new brand! This is an opportunity to celebrate with our community and our customers around the globe.

Old Logo New Logo F 2 Scaled

Our new logo incorporates some core elements of our past. For example, it reflects the “V” that has been part of our 45+ years-long legacy of innovating proteomics and glycomics. As a means of emphasizing our passion and determination to deliver for our customers, we’ve introduced a vibrant purple, which also symbolizes our can-do attitude. Overall, the look and feel of our new logo is intended to invoke the big breakthroughs we’ve experienced and the barriers we’ve overcome to advance science.

I think it’s important to point out that Vector Laboratories’ new brand goes much deeper than appearance. I hope we all agree that it’s really about standing by our guiding principles and values as we help propel researchers and organizations around the world towards scientific advancement. Through a culture of service, reliable products, and unmatched technical expertise, we at Vector Laboratories are determined to deliver for the scientific community—so that they in turn, deliver positive change for our world.

On behalf of the whole company, we’re excited to continue this journey with you and to evolve our partnership.