Vector Laboratories is closed to Martín Luther King Day (US Holiday) on Monday, January 20th.
We will be back in the office on Tuesday, January 21st. We will respond to emails upon our return. Have a wonderful day.

VECTASHIELD® PLUS Antifade Mounting Medium with DAPI (H-2000)



VECTASHIELD PLUS Mounting Medium protects against fading across the visible spectrum, even under far-red wavelengths. It is compatible with most commercially available fluorophores. This new formulation of non-setting media improves upon the original VECTASHIELD products. Specifically, VECTASHIELD PLUS exhibits no inherent background or toning and provides superior fluorophore signal retention across the spectrum, including far-red wavelengths.


  • No inherent toning or background
  • Superior signal retention across the spectrum from blue to far red
  • Mounted sections can be viewed immediately
  • DAPI (blue) counterstain premixed with medium
  • Available in two convenient sizes
  • Superior non-setting formulation


VECTASHIELD PLUS Mounting Medium with DAPI does not solidify, but remains a liquid on the slide and can be stored without sealing. If desired, coverslips can be sealed around the perimeter with nail polish or a plastic sealant. Mounted slides should be stored at 2-8 °C, protected from light.


Unit Size2 ml, 10 ml
ApplicationsImmunofluorescence, In situ hybridization
MountingAqueous (Non-Hardening)
CounterstainDAPI (blue fluorescence)


Technical Information

The refractive index for VECTASHIELD Mounting Medium is 1.45.

VECTASHIELD PLUS Mounting Medium does not solidify, but rather, remains a liquid on the slide ‐ which can then be stored without sealing. If desired, coverslips can be sealed around the perimeter using nail polish or plastic sealant. Mounted slides should be stored at 2-8 °C and protected from light.

VECTASHIELD Mounting Medium Antifade Comparison

Other manufacturers measure the antifade properties of their mountants using labeled microspheres or arrayed spots. Vector Labs prefers to measure antifade properties of VECTASHIELD mountants using frozen tissue sections that have been immunohistochemically stained with fluorescently labeled secondary antibodies. Antifade capability is then measured using a 40x objective with real time imaging over 30 seconds of continuous exposure to the excitation illumination. Individual intensity measurements are recorded from 6 separate labeled regions and the average is calculated. The intensity after 30 second exposure is expressed as a percentage of the intensity at zero time. The values for PG are taken from the manufacturer’s published results.

New Fluorophore Signal Table Vectashield Jpg

New Fluoro Remaining Graph Jpg

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Correctly coverslipping your slides ensures that your tissue specimens are preserved for optimal imaging and viewing. In this blog post, we will walk you through how to properly coverslip your slides to protect your samples.

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How to choose antifade mounting media

As far as antifade mounting media go, one-size-fits-all solutions are few and far between. Here, we break down key factors you should consider when choosing the best antifade mounting medium for your experiment.

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Step by Step Protocol
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