Immunohistochemistry Resource Guide

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Ihc Guide Cover V1

Table of Contents

M.O.M.® (Mouse on Mouse) Immunodetection Kits

Vector Laboratories M.O.M. (Mouse on Mouse) IHC Kits are specifically designed to localize mouse primary antibodies on mouse tissue while avoiding background staining. These M.O.M. Kits contain our proprietary M.O.M. Mouse Ig Blocking Reagent. M.O.M. Kits are available based on either avidin-biotin technology (M.O.M. Elite® ABC Kit or Basic Kit) or polymer technology (M.O.M. ImmPRESS® HRP Polymer Kit). Use the M.O.M. IHC kits to introduce two or more different labels using a multiple antigen labeling protocol. You can detect several mouse primary antibodies on the same tissue section, regardless of the species of the tissue. Excellent staining results for a once difficult application have now become routine with the Vector® M.O.M. IHC Kits.

  • Significantly reduces endogenous mouse Ig staining when using mouse primary antibodies on mouse tissue
  • Simple protocols
  • Eliminates tedious calculations
  • Eliminates primary antibody prebinding steps
  • Clear, crisp, specific staining of antigens of interest
  • Compatible with fluorescent or enzyme-based detection
  • Available with or without enzyme or fluorochrome
Recommended applications:
> Studies in genetically engineered mice
> Transgenic and knock-out models
> Mouse xenograft tissue
> Normal mouse tissue
Mouse Kidney Stained
Sections of mouse kidney stained with mouse antibody against smooth muscle actin using VECTASTAIN® ABC-AP Kit and Vector Blue substrate. Using standard biotinylated anti-mouse antibody and normal blocking serum, confusing background is seen (left). With the Vector M.O.M. Basic Kit, clean background and specific staining is achieved (right).

Mouse intestine stained with standard anti-mouse IgG polymer system (left) and Vector M.O.M. ImmPRESS HRP Polymer Kit (right). Brown signal indicates IgG background staining. (Both: No primary antibody, Vector DAB stain, hematoxylin counterstain.)

Product Catalog Number
M.O.M.® Peroxidase Kit PK-2200
M.O.M.® Fluorescein Kit FMK-2201
M.O.M.® Basic Kit BMK-2202
M.O.M.® ImmPRESS® HRP Polymer Kit MP-2400
M.O.M.® Mouse Ig Blocking Reagent MKB-2213-1
M.O.M.® Biotinylated Anti-Mouse Ig Reagent* MKB-2225-.1
M.O.M.® ImmPRESS® HRP Polymer Anti-Mouse Reagent MPX-2402-15

* This reagent must be used with the M.O.M. Mouse Ig Blocking Reagent (MKB-2213). It is not intended to be a stand-alone reagent for mouse on mouse kits.