Anthony Eason, U. of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, USA


Anthony Eason

Fluorescent multichannel image of the primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) cell line BCBL-1 which expresses HHV-8 in a latent state. Viral interleukin 6 (vIL6; green) is expressed by cells in which HHV-8 undergoes spontaneous activation from latency.  Note relatively scant cytoplasm (actin stained with rhodamine phalloidin; red) compared to nuclei (stained with DAPI; blue). 100x.

Products used: S-1000-20,H-1000-10,FI-1000-1.5


Imaging/staining by Anthony B. Eason Lab of Dr. Dirk Dittmer University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, USA vIL6 antibody graciously provided by Dr. Robert Yarchoan National Cancer Institute, NIH